Opportunities seldom come rarer than this one! Situated in the Palmer River Goldfield Reserve is 3933m (approx 1 acre) of freehold land with frontage to the historic Maytown - Laura Coach Road. This unique location with considerable infrastructure offers potential to service and accommodate the growing tourist trade that flows to and from Cape York du********* rs seeking a peaceful lifestyle combined with income will appreciate the potential earnings from provision of accommodation, camping fees, information, food, drinks, souvenirs, gold panning, metal detecting etc. A recently constructed 6 x4m shed with road frontage has been installed with the intention of servicing the increasing tourist traffic. Other improvements include a 12m x 8m two bedroom shed-house with a large kitchen, 8 x 4m mezzanine level, separate laundry, shower and separate self contained living quarters - both well suited to the tropical climate. A large camping area with separate driveway provides a respite for passing 4x4 travellers. Off the grid solar power with generator back-up, solar powered bore pump, 30,000L tank storage, satellite TV, NBN and *********
Location: Yungaburra QLD 4884, Australia
Contact No. ******7675 View
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