Permaculture is a design system that attempts to emulate nature and covers a wide range of topics on ecological living, from energy efficiency to sustainable and organic agriculture, water, sun, food and soil, and living in harmony with our environment. The idea of permaculture as ‘permanent agriculture’ is evolving. Initially it was envisaged that a grass-roots movement could b********* ion by designing and living on richly diverse, food-self-reliant homesteads. What about our reliance on metals for tools, glass for windows, and plastics for water pipes? Our inescapable dependence on industry and far-flung resources – hence roads & transport and large-scale political/economy – requires an expanded, all-inclusive view of permaculture design as ethics-centred, whole system design. Richard Mochelle (Ph.D) will introduce this topic.
Location: Crystal Waters Permaculture Village, Sunshine Coast Hinterland, Queensland, Australia
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